Home » The Combination of Imaginative Teaching Methods and Multimedia Learning in Early Childhood Education during COVID Pandemic: Social-Emotional and Language Development

The Combination of Imaginative Teaching Methods and Multimedia Learning in Early Childhood Education during COVID Pandemic: Social-Emotional and Language Development

Evania Yafie, Olusola-Fadumiye Titilope Olufunke, Manal Ali, Inayatur Robbaniyah, Lisa Nur Maulidia, Diana Setyaningsih

The purpose of this study was to identify whether there is an increase in social-emotional and language aspects’ enhancement through the combination of imaginative teaching methods and multimedia learning that the teacher carried out. This study is based on the impact of the viral pandemic, limiting learning activities and social relationships between children and peers, which can further impact children’s socio-emotional and language aspects. However, teachers can overcome impact by providing appropriate stimulation to children through learning strategies, i.e., by combining imaginative methods and multimedia learning. The is a quantitative study that applies the pre-experimental design method. The model applied through this research was in the form of a pretest-posttest group which was carried out by comparing the emotional abilities of children before and after being given treatment in the form of a combination of imaginative processing methods and multimedia learning. The sampling technique used purposive sampling where the research subjects were in their early childhood, aged 5-6 years. The reliability testing results obtained a value of 0.893 for social-emotional development and 0.821 for language development, which means high reliability. The normality test is carried out using the Kolmogorov Smirnov test showing a value of 0.347 for social-emotional development and 0.527 for language development; this indicates that the data have a normal distribution because they have a value above 0.05. The t-test results show that all t count> t-table and all sig values ​​are 0.000 <0.05. Therefore, the combination of imaginative learning methods and multimedia learning improves language social-emotional aspects effectively. The results of this study contribute to understanding for teachers and school institutions to better utilize information and communication technology in optimizing child development.

social-emotional development, language development, imaginative method, multimedia learning

Publikasi :
Al-Athfal: Jurnal Pendidikan Anak
Vol 7 No1 Juni 2021 Pages 1-14
ISSN (p): 2477-4189; ISSN (e): 2477-4715
Dapat diakses melalui link berikut: http://ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id/tarbiyah/alathfal/article/view/3761 atau unduh file berikut:

Evania Yafie

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