Home » Seamless Mobile Assisted Real Training For Children (SMART-C)

Seamless Mobile Assisted Real Training For Children (SMART-C)

HKI Seamless Mobile Assisted Real Training For Children (SMART-C) merupakan produk kekayaan intelektual berupa program komputer.   


  1. Evania Yafie, S.Pd., M.Pd.
  2. Yudha Alfian Haqqi, S.Pd., M.Pd
  3. Wangga Surya Putra, S. Kom
  4. Lisa Nur Maulidia, S.Pd
  5. Alfi Rohmatul Azizah, S.Pd
  6. Berliana Ramadhanti, S.Pd

Jenis Ciptaan: Program Komputer

Judul Ciptaan: Seamless Mobile Assisted Real Training For Children (SMART-C)

Nomor P / ID: 000536083

Tanggal dan tempat diumumkan untuk pertama kali: 13 Mei 2022, di Malang

Sertifikat HKI – Seamless Mobile Assisted Real Training For Children (SMART-C)

Informasi selengkapnya mengenai produk HKI bisa menghubungi kontak berikut Email: [email protected] Phone: +6281336067282

Evania Yafie

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