Alfiatul Nikmah, Tumardi Tumardi, Evania Yafie Abstract:The ability to determine the measurement (seriation) of size is the accuracy that is owned by the child in determining an order of size from various existing sizes….
Category: Global
Tomas Iriyanto, Eny Nur Aisyah, Leni Gonadi, Evania Yafie, Alfiana Fajarwatiningtyas Abstract:Based on the results of field visits and interviews with some kindergarten teachers in the VIII cluster in Lowokwaru District, Malang, the following…
Evania Yafie, Yudha Alfian Haqqi, Usep Kustiawan, Wuri Astuti, Donna Boedi, Baiq Shofa Ilhami Abstract:High order thinking (HOT) -based learning in Early Childhood Education Institution (ECEI) could improve six aspects of preschool-aged children’s development….
Evania Yafie, Yudha Alfian Haqqi Abstract:The implementation of early detection in Indonesia rarely happens to know from the outset the conditions of development and growth of children. The low knowledge of parents makes it…
Evania Yafie, Tomas Iriyanto, Leni Gonadi, Sri Wahyuni Abstract:As a result of training in 2016 PG PAUD KSDP FIP UM students already have; 1) the practical capability of recycling paper made from waste paper…
Evania Yafie Abstract:The objective of this research was to explain the process and and learning outcomes of modification the model think-pair-share which can improve memory ability of scientific concepts in group B2 TA Ar-Ridlo…
Evania Yafie, Tomas Iriyanto, Leni Gonadi, Sri Wahyuni Abstrak:Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini, yaitu: memberikan wawasan skill baru terkait pembuatan Media Education for Early Childhood berbasis PPT untuk alumni PGPAUD dan guru TK se-Kota…
PERAN ORANG TUA DALAM MEMBERIKAN PENDIDIKAN SEKSUAL ANAK USIA DINI Evania Yafie Abstrak: Maraknya kasus kekerasan seksual pada (pelecehan anak) anak yang dilakukan oleh orang-orang terdekat termasuk keluarga. Salah satu penyebabnya karena anak tidak…
PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN BERBASIS KOMPUTER PADA BIDANG SAINS TEMA BINATANG UNTUK ANAK KELAS B DI TKN BI TLOGOWARU MALANG Evania Yafie, Pramono, Endro Wahyono Abstrak: Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah mengembangkan media pembelajaran berbasis komputer…
HKI Transportasi Laut merupakan produk kekayaan intelektual berupa Program Komputer yang dibuat dari program Autoplay. Konten produk berisi bahan materi edukasi seputar tema alat transportasi yang ada di laut. Pencipta: Evania Yafie, S.Pd., M.Pd….